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How to add grades to the Gradebook
How to add grades to the Gradebook

Everything you need to know about adding a Gradebook in SchoolWise

Leslie from SchoolWise avatar
Written by Leslie from SchoolWise
Updated over a week ago

This article will walk you through the steps of adding grades to the Gradebook and the available options. Before we get started let's take a look at the two options;

  1. Quick Add

  2. Add or Import

Quick Add

If you want to add grades for an assessment with a minimal amount of information then this is the option to choose. It will only ask you for the title of the assessment task/activity, the date along with the grade for each learner. You can also mark any learner as absent if they did not take part in the assessment task/activity. You will also have the option of

using different grading scales.

Add or Import

Selecting Add or Import will enable you to select different types of Gradebooks to add along with additional options for more complex scenarios. This is also the way in which you can import assessments from other systems such as Microsoft Teams or Google Classroom without the need for any double entry.

Let's go ahead and see how you would add grades using both options.

Quick Add

First, make sure you are on the Dashboard and then click on the Add Gradebook button. Select the Quick Add option from the menu to display the Quick Add Grades screen.

You need to provide the title of the assessment task/activity, the date when it happened and finally a grade for each learner in the class. Once you have entered all the grading information simply click the Grade Learners button at the bottom of the screen to save the Gradebook.

Learners that are absent when adding grades to the Gradebook

If there are any learners who are absent or you do not want to include them in the assessment task/activity you can uncheck the Full Attendance check box.

Note: Do not grade a learner with 0% to mark them as absent or as a way not to include them in the assessment. This will affect their performance metrics including their average grade and the class average.

This will allow you to then uncheck each learner that was not present for the assessment and will move them to the Absent section. If you made a mistake or want to mark the learner as present again, simply check the box next to the learner in the Absent section.

Click the Grade Learners button to save your Gradebook when you have finished.

Grading Scales

You can use different grading scales with the Quick Add option. Simply click the Percentage column heading to display the list of options. You can learn about using grading scales with the Gradebook in this article.

Add or Import

First, make sure you are on the Dashboard and then click on the Add Gradebook button. Select the Add or Import option from the menu to display the selection screen.

Choose from one of the options available for the type of grades you want to add.

Task or Activity

This is similar to the Quick Add option. You can provide more grading options such as class or learner feedback, align the assessment to outcomes or link it to a project or topic. This is the option we are going to use.


This is a quick way to record who is turning in their work and who is not. Think of it as a roll call but for homework or classwork and other types of schoolwork. You can learn about how to track Schoolwork in this article.


The import option allows you to import assessments from Google Classroom or Microsoft Teams without the need to double-enter any information. You can select which assessments you want to import such as quizzes, assignments or OneNote.

Select the Task / Activity option from the selection screen and click Next to display the Add Gradebook screen. You need to provide the title of the assessment task/activity, the date when it happened and finally a grade for each learner in the class.

Grading Scales

You can use different grading scales by simply clicking the Percentage column heading to display the list of options. You can learn about using grading scales with the Gradebook in this article.

Assessment Task/ Activity Options

You will notice a number of additional options located at the top of the list of learners. You can use these depending on your assessment scenario. Let's take a look at these.

Full Attendance

Similar to the Quick Add grade screen you would uncheck this box to indicate that not all learners were present for the assessment. This will enable you to mark who was absent.

Notify Learners

This will send a notification in SchoolWise to tell the learner a grade was added and to check their Gradebook. If the learner does not read this notification in SchoolWise it will be included in the end-of-day mail which is delivered to their email inbox.

Hide Grades

This is usually used in conjunction with one of the feedback options. It is a way for you to add grades to the Gradebook but not make the grades visible to the learner. You can always go back and change this option later to make them visible.

In some scenarios, you may want learners to focus on the feedback and not the grade. Therefore, hiding the grade encourages this while still allowing you to record the grade.

Class Feedback

This enables you to give feedback which will be visible to every learner in the class marked present. Learners will see this in addition to a grade and any individual learner feedback.

Learner Feedback

This is a way for you to give individual personalised feedback to a learner. It will only be visible to that learner. Simply click the Add button next to a learner to provide feedback. If you opt to use Class Feedback too, the learner will see both pieces of feedback together.

Learners that are absent when adding grades to the Gradebook

If there are any learners who were absent or you do not want to include them in the assessment task/activity you can uncheck the Full Attendance check box.

Note: Do not grade a learner with 0% to mark them as absent or as a way to not include them in the assessment. This will affect their performance metrics including their average grade.

This will allow you to then uncheck each learner that was not present for the assessment and will move them to the Absent section. If you made a mistake or want to mark the learner as present again, simply check the box next to the learner in the Absent section.

Click the Grade Learners button to save your Gradebook when you have finished.

You can use the Save Draft option if you would like to save the Gradebook but not update the tracking or performance data. Using the Save Draft option does not make any of the grading information available to learners until you click the Grade Learners button.

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