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How to use the Gradebook Dashboard
How to use the Gradebook Dashboard

Learn how to utilise the power of the Dashboard to analyse the performance of your class, get valuable insights and how to take action

Leslie from SchoolWise avatar
Written by Leslie from SchoolWise
Updated over a week ago

The dashboard is the first screen you will see when you visit the Gradebook. It provides up-to-date, real-time information on the class and on each individual learner. Think of the Dashboard as your central hub for everything you need to track and support your learners.

You can filter and interact with the data on the Dashboard to spot trends and access critical information on each learner. You can also take action such as recording an observation, contacting a year head or adding a progress note. Of course, adding grades is one of the main features of Gradebook. You can then "drill" into this data more using the View and Edit screens.

Setting up Your Gradebook

One of the first steps you should take before using the Gradebook is to make sure it is set up correctly. You can do this by clicking the Settings button which is only visible when you are on the Dashboard.

This allows you to configure subject levels, target grades and differentiation bands for your learners. Click here to learn about setting up your Gradebook.

Capturing, Viewing and Editing Assessments

Located in the top right corner of your Dashboard are the main buttons to capture, view and edit your assessments.

Add Gradebook

You will only see the Add Gradebook button when you are on the Dashboard. It will not be displayed on any other screen. You can only add grades by clicking on this button. You have the option of Quick Add which is designed to quickly add grades for simple assessments. The Add or Import option is designed for more complex assessment scenarios.

View and Edit

One of the most powerful aspects of the Gradebook is the analysis and insights. This helps you get to the heart of your data so you can drive better outcomes for your learners. It brings data from multiple sources together in one place and gives you actionable insights on how to help to support them.


One of the biggest benefits of the Gradebook is you can view historical data for your class. This is done by selecting the Timeframe from the list of options. Selecting a Timeframe is available on every screen of the Gradebook.

When you select a Timeframe, the performance metrics on the screen will update to incorporate data for the selected timeframe. Doing so on the Dashboard will update all the performance metrics you see.

All Time

This displays performance metrics and assessment data for your subject using all available data in SchoolWise. For example, if your subject is English and you have a Sixth Year class. If you select All Time then you will see data from First Year to Sixth (providing it is available in the platform). If your subject is Economics and you have a Sixth Year class. Economics might not be a subject in First, Second or Third Year so you would only see data for the Fifth and Sixth Years.

This Year

Assessment data for the current academic year will be used to calculate metrics.

Last Year

Assessment data for the previous academic year will be used to calculate metrics.


This allows you to define a specific period, a Start Date and End Date. This can span across academic years giving you greater flexibility.

Filtering Assessment and Performance Data

At a glance, the Dashboard gives you a real-time snapshot of how every learner in your class is performing. You can use the Filters on the Dashboard to analyse this data even further by filtering specific aspects of the data such as by level or assessment type.

Using the Filters will determine the list of learners displayed in the grid. It will also update any relevant performance metrics. For example, selecting only Higher Level in the level filter will display those learners who are taking higher level. The Class Subject Average will display the class average for higher level only. Selecting only Above Average in the average filter will display those learners who are above the class average. The Class Subject Average in this case will display the class average for learners who are above the overall class average only (when all learners are included).

How to Use the Filters

To apply a filter simply click on the filter drop-down menu and only leave selected the option you want to apply. In this example, I only want to display those learners who are above the class average. Therefore, I have unchecked Below Average as I want to filter out these learners.

When you apply a filter, it will change to Blue indicating a filter is applied. This way you can clearly see what filters are currently applied. In this example, I have used more than one filter. Both Above Average and learners who are Improving.

You can easily reset the filters back to the default state which is to include all learners. This is done by clicking the Clear filters button. This will only appear once you have applied at least one filter.


This allows you to display performance metrics for a selected level. Only those learners who are taking the selected level will be displayed in the grid below. This is a great way to see how each level is performing in your class group.

Note: The level filter will only be available when there is more than one level assigned to a learner. For example, if Common level is the only option available and is therefore assigned to all learners, then the level filter will not appear. If both Ordinary and Higher level are available but all learners are assigned to Higher level, then the level filter will not appear until at least one learner is assigned Ordinary.


You can filter the list of learners who are either Above Average or Below Average. Selecting both will display all learners in the grid. Learners whose average is in Red are below the class average.


The performance filter enables you to filter learners who are Improving, Steady or Declining. What options you select will determine both the metrics on the Dashboard and the list of learners in the grid below.


Another major benefit of the Gradebook is having all your assessment data in one place. Term or house exams from your school MIS/SIS system, alongside assignments from Microsoft Teams and Google Classroom alongside assessments you capture directly in SchoolWise.

You can filter assessments by two distinct types;


These are assessments you capture directly in SchoolWise or import from another system such as Microsoft Teams or Google Classroom. These assessments are usually assignments, class tests, projects, quizzes, etc.


These are term or house exams that are recorded in your school MIS/SIS system and then imported to SchoolWise through Learner Support. You do not import these assessments into your Gradebook. These assessments are imported at the platform level and then appear in your Gradebook automatically. Usually, summative assessments are end of term or at regular intervals throughout the year. All teachers across all subject departments perform an assessment at the same time and using similar criteria (e.g. material covered since the last summative assessment or since the start of the academic year).

Performance Metrics

The performance metrics give you a snapshot of how the class is performing. It breaks down the assessment data into distinct areas to easily spot trends. Let's take a look at each metric.

Class Subject Average

This displays the average for all learners in the class. You also see how many learners are above that average and how many are below. Next to the average, you see the selected level (the default is all levels or where all learners have the same level e.g. common). This is linked to the average column in the grid below.

Using the filters, you determine how this value is calculated. For example, you use the level filter to display only Higher Level. The class average will represent the average of all learners taking higher level. This is indicated by having Higher displayed next to the average.

Class Subject Performance

This displays the performance of the class and indicates how many learners are in each performance category. This is linked to the performance column in the grid below.


The number of learners who are steadily improving is calculated and shown here


Learners who are neither improving nor declining are calculated and shown here


The number of learners who are steadily declining is calculated and shown here

Number of Assessments

Depending on the Timeframe you have selected the total number of assessments is displayed here. Assessments are then broken down into either continuous or summative. You can use the Assessment filter to adjust this metric and filter by assessment type.

Learner Support

These metrics show how many learners in your class have LSEN (Learning, Social or Emotional Needs) or have an ILP (Individual Learning Plan).

The learners metric is a combination of both LSEN and ILP. It is then individually broken down. This is linked to the LSEN and ILP columns in the grid below. Those learners with LSEN have a number next to them and those learners with an ILP have a checkmark.

List of Learners in the Grid

The grid displays a list of learners in your class. The default view lists all learners. Only when you apply a filter does the list of learners change. For example, if you apply the Average filter and only leave selected Below Average, then the list of learners in the grid will only show those learners who are below the class average. The same would happen if you applied a level filter. You would only see those learners for the selected level.

Ordering the grid

You can change the ordering of the grid by using the column headings. The columns that allow ordering are indicated with a sorting icon. Simply click the column heading to order the list either ascending or descending. For example, you can click the Average column heading to sort by the highest to lowest or click it again for the reverse.

Grid indicators

The indicators at the top of the grid show the number of learners. In the case of Level and Average, you see the selected level or calculated average. These indicators will change if you apply a filter. For example, applying the Avearge filter to leave those learners Above Average will force the grid to only show learners above average. The average indicator will therefore show the average of those learners above the class average.

Interacting with the Grid

Some of the columns on the grid enable you to interact with the items and "peek" into the data behind them. This removes the need for you to navigate to different screens or be taken away from the Dashboard. Some of these items will contain a link that will navigate to another screen to get the full context of the item, but you get to make this decision.

Performance icon

The performance icon will display a panel displaying a breakdown of all the assessments along with more context for the selected learner.

When you click the performance icon the learner panel will appear. Displayed are the learner details, a summary of their performance along with a performance chart listing the most recent assessments. Below the chart is the list of assessments.

LSEN (Learning, Social and Emotional Needs)

An icon is shown under the LSEN column if a learner has any needs. The number represents the total number of needs. Clicking on the icon displays the specific needs.

When the popup appears you can see the list of LSEN needs for the learner. There is also a View Profile link that navigates to the learner profile for the learner.

ILP (Individual Learning Plan)

A checkmark icon is shown if a learner has an individual learning plan. Clicking on the icon displays a summary of the plan with a link to view the plan.

The popup will show the summary of the plan. Clicking the View ILP link takes you to the ILP screen where you can see the full details of the plan.


Show here any learner who has a Note for Teachers. Clicking on the icon will reveal the note. This note is attached to the learner profile and completed by a member of the management, leadership or care team.

The popup displays the full note with a link that navigates to the learner profile if needed.

Priority Tags

If a learner has a Priority Tag associated with their learner profile you will see them listed here. Priority tags are used internally to flag important concerns, issues or that the learner may be receiving extra support. The most common use of Priority Tags are for Lean In/Lean Out, Focus In/Focus Out systems within a school.

These tags are for display purposes only and you cannot interact with them. The name of the priority tag and the colour are selected by a member of the school management, leadership or care team.


Taking action on a learner has never been easier. Everything you need is one click away in the Actions column next to each learner. Click on the context menu (three dots) to display the list of actions.

Simply click on an action to display a modal where you can complete the action without navigating away from the Dashboard. The only option on the actions menu that will navigate away from the dashboard is View Learner Profile.

How to take action

You can add notes, record your observations, message your colleagues and add progress notes to an ILP. Best of all it can be done right from the Dashboard in the Gradebook.

Simply click on an option from the actions menu to display the relevant screen. All actions you take will be recorded on the Learner Profile. To view any previous notes, communications or progress notes, simply click on View Learner Profile.

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