How to edit grades

Learn how to edit a gradebook and update grading information

Isa from SchoolWise avatar
Written by Isa from SchoolWise
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes learners are absent when you add a Gradebook. As a result, you may want to add their grade later. Situations where you want to edit their grade, update feedback or you simply made a mistake. This article will show you how to edit a Gradebook.

Click the View and Edit button and then select the List and Edit Grades option from the menu. This will display the list and edit grades screen.

You will see a list of assessments in that timeframe. If you cannot see the assessment you are looking for try adjusting the time frame to All Time. You can also filter the assessments by type or search by name.

Once you locate the assessment that you want to edit, click the Actions button next to the assessment and then click Edit. This will display the Edit Gradebook screen.

On the Edit Gradebook screen, you can update a learner's subject level, grade, if they were present or absent along with other options.

Once you are done updating any grading information simply click the Grade Learners button at the bottom of the screen to save your changes.

Marking a learner as present and adding a grade

If you have a learner who was marked absent when you added the Gradebook, but who you now want to mark as present and add a grade, this can be also done from the Edit Grade screen.

Scroll down to the bottom of the screen where you can see any absent learners listed. Simply check the box next to their name. This will remove them from the Absent list and move them to the Present list.

You can add their grade and any other options. Once you are done updating any grading information simply click the Grade Learners button at the bottom of the screen to save your changes.

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