Gradebook Outcomes Screen

Determine the performance of outcomes, the assessments for each outcome and how each individual learner is performing

Leslie from SchoolWise avatar
Written by Leslie from SchoolWise
Updated over a week ago

Using the More Options button when adding an assessment to the Gradebook enables you to attribute a Learning Outcome from a unit learning or from the subject specification. This allows you to align your assessments to your curriculum planning in SchoolWise or to a subject specification.

Let's look at how to use the Outcome screen

How to access the Outcomes Screen

Click on the View and Edit button in the Gradebook and then click on the Outcomes option from the menu. This is located under the Assessments section.

This displays the Outcomes screen. You see the list of learners on the left and a list of outcomes across the top. Each cell contains the average grade of all assessments for an outcome and is colour coded to show how the learner performed. You can click on a cell to see more details of the assessments.

How to use the Outcomes screen

Outcome Details

The list of outcomes across the top of the screen displays the details of the outcome along with the class average for all assessments, for each outcome. Since you can have multiple assessments, the average is all assessments for each outcome.

Learner Grade

Each outcome column represents the learner's average grade for all assessments for each outcome. The default colour assigned to each cell is determined if the learner was above or below the class average grade for the outcome (displayed under the details of the outcome column heading).

You can click on a learner grade to display more details about the learner and the assessments for each outcome.

Filtering data

Since you can align assessments to outcomes from both a unit of learning or directly from the subject specification, the Linked to Curriculum Planner" filter enables you to only display those assessments that were from a unit of learning.

This is a great way to see what assessments were not only aligned to an outcome but aligned to an outcome from your subject plan.

Printing and Exporting

You can print or export all of the View and Edit screens in the Gradebook. Click on the Print button to view the options. The print to PDF generates a report based on the options you selected on the screen (timeframe, filter and options) and downloads the file to your device.

The export to a file option generates a CSV file (spreadsheet) which you can open with Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

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