Importing CAT4 result data into SchoolWiseThis article will show you how to import CAT4 data into SchoolWise from a CSV file
Screening and Analysis Cross tabSingle view of all the screening tests for a year group on one report
Using CAT4 test data to determine learning support and differentiation bandsHow to set cutoff value for identifying leaners for learning support and putting learners into differentiation bands based on CAT4 data
Importing PTM result data into SchoolWiseThis article will show you how to import progress test in Maths data into SchoolWise from a CSV file
Importing NGRT result data into SchoolWiseThis article will show you how to import new group reading test data into SchoolWise from a CSV file
Importing VSware assessment data into SchoolWiseHow to import your VSware term or house exam results into SchoolWise