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Create or edit Dynamic Security Roles

How to manage security roles, the users in those roles and how you can create custom security roles in the platform

Leslie from SchoolWise avatar
Written by Leslie from SchoolWise
Updated over 2 years ago

If you need to add or remove people in a security role, simply view the members of each role, or create a custom role, then this article will explain how. First, let's take a look at the types of security roles in SchoolWise.

Types of Roles

There are two types of roles in SchoolWise;

  1. System - these are built into the platform and cannot be removed. You can however add or remove people in these roles. You can learn more about system roles here.

  2. Custom - these are roles that you create, customise what access people in the role will have, and of course, add or remove people from the role.

What permission and data does a custom role have?

You have control over what permission a custom role will have. By default, custom roles have no permission to either the Reports or Manage screens in Learner Support. A custom role initially, only has access to the learner profiles for the year groups that you explicitly set.

There are two considerations that you should be aware of when adding people to a custom role.

  • The user is already a member of an existing security role. Either a built-in system role or another custom role.

  • The user is not a member of an existing security role.

The user is already a member of an existing security role

Any existing permission that a user has will be combined with the additional permission they are granted as a result of becoming a member of the new custom role.

Example 1: If a user is a tutor and only has access to a subset of learner profiles within a year group, let's say first year. They also have access to two reports. That user is then added to a custom role. The custom role has access to an entire year group, first year, along with access to two additional reports. If we combine the permission for the tutor role and the custom role, the effective permission that the user has is access to all learner profiles in first year and access to a combined, four reports.

Example 2: If a user is in the learning support role which has access to all learner profiles in all year groups. The learner support role only has access to five reports. That user then gets added to a custom role. The custom role only has access to second year but an additional three reports. If we combine the permission for the learning support role and the custom role, the effective permission for that user is still access to all learner profiles in all year groups (regardless of those selected in the custom role) and access to a combined eight reports.

The user is not a member of an existing security role

In this case, adding a user to a custom security role will a) grant them access to Learner Support and b) grant them access to learner profiles in the year groups that you explicitly set when creating the new dynamic security role. In addition, they will have access to any reports or screens that you grant permission for and will be able to see data for those year groups in those reports or screens.

Example: If a user is only in the teachers' role they will not have access to Learner Support. Adding that user to a custom security role will grant them access. That user will then be able to access the learner profiles for learners in the year groups that you set for the custom role. If you assign additional permission to that custom role granting access to reports or other data, then this user will also get access.

How to create a custom dynamic security role

You can create a custom role, add people to the role and then assign permission that role will have in SchoolWise. Let's first look at how you would create a custom role.

Note: Only people in the Management role have permission to create a custom role.

1. Click on the Manage button on the Learner Support main menu, and then under the Settings panel click the Manage button.

2. On the Settings screen, click on the Dynamic Security Roles button.

3. This will display the Dynamic Security Roles screen where you will see both the built-in system roles along with any other custom roles. It will also show the members of each role. Click on the New button to begin creating your custom role.

4. This will display the create screen for the new dynamic security role. There are five fields for you to complete. These fields are;

  • Name of the role - this will be displayed on permission grids and screens

  • Description of the role - so you can easily identify the purpose of the role

  • Year groups - this determines what learners users in the role can see data for

  • Users - who are the members of the new dynamic security role

  • Send a copy - to display an option to include the role when messaging

Enter a name and a description (optional) for the new dynamic security role. Then, simply click on each Year group you want the new role to have access to. The new role will have access to the learner profiles for the year groups you select along with learner data for any reports you later grant permission for.

Then select the Users that will be part of the new dynamic security role. Finally, you can choose to enable the option of including the new dynamic security role from any of the messaging screens. This is disabled by default.

Click the Create button to finish creating the dynamic security role. This new role will appear in the list along with the other built-in system roles.

Grant permission to a custom role

Once you have created a custom dynamic security role you can then apply permission to the role. This is done on the Permissions screen under the Manage > Settings section of Learner Support.

Editing a dynamic security role

You can edit both a built-in system or custom role. Simply click on the Edit button next to the role.

System role - you cannot edit the name, description or year groups for built-in system roles. You can only amend the users in these roles. You cannot disable or delete a system role either.

Custom role - you can edit all properties of a custom dynamic security role, including the ability to Disable and Delete the role.

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