Sometimes when you set an assignment you want your learners to start from a 'blank page' when completing their work. Let's say you want them to analyse a character in a novel in 1000 words or create a two-minute presentation on a business idea or even a spreadsheet of materials needed for their project.
Rather than giving them instructions on how to create a new document, where to save it and what name they should give it; you can have it set up and ready to go! Let's take a look at how this works.
Note: If you would like to use an existing Google document such as a template that you want learners to edit their own copy then check out this article
1. Click on the Set Assignment button on the assignments page in your class group.
2. Complete the details of the assignment such as the Title, Due date along with any Instructions. Click on the Attach reference material button.
3. Click on the New Document menu and then select the type of document you want to create Docs, Sheets or Slides. Finally, enter a name for the document. When you are done click Create.
Note: your learners also have the option to create a new document when attaching their work to an assignment
4. The new document will now be attached to the assignment with the option Learners can't edit selected. Click the ellipsis (context) menu and select the option Learners can edit their own copy.
5. That's it! You can now finish completing any other details for the assignment and click the Set button once you are done.
What will the learner see?
1. The learner will receive a notification that the assignment has been set and also see the assignment in their active assignment list.
2. When they click on the View button for the assignment the new document will be displayed in the Your work to turn in section with a label Click here to begin editing on the document.
3. Your learners can simply click on the file which will automatically open in Google Docs, Sheets or Slides online. Your learners don't need to worry about what to name the document, where to store it or even to save it. This is all done automatically for them.
They can even go in and out of the document as much as they like until it is due. This is helpful if they need to work on the assignment over a number of days or weeks.
4. When they are finished working on the document they can click the Turn-in button on the assignment.
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