Sending message to an individual couldn't be easier within SchoolWise. Follow the below steps:
Note: if you want to send a message to multiple class groups, check out this article.
In SchoolCentral, click on the envelope icon in the top right hand corner.
2. Then, click on the button compose new message as shown.
3. A pop-up window will appear where you can go ahead and type in the send to box.
4. Start to type in who you want to send the message to.
Note: If you start to type class; class groups will start to appear. Dept; the different departments will start to appear. Year; the different year groups will start to appear.
5. I have completed an example below.
Note: Students will have an (S) beside their name and Teachers will have a (T) beside their name as shown below.
5. Compose your message and then, click send when you are finished.
These messages will appear within the 'Messages' section in SchoolWise. If the message is unread, it will then appear in the end of day e-mail you get.
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