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Re-consent to G Suite

If you had changed email address or are having trouble accessing G Suite within SchoolWise this article may help

Leslie from SchoolWise avatar
Written by Leslie from SchoolWise
Updated over 4 years ago

If you change your username or email address in Google G Suite you may need to revoke access to the SchoolWise app and re-consent again. This is a security setting where G Suite verifies the original consent against the email address. So when this changes it needs to be authorised again. Here is how.

1. Visit the security page for your G Suite account at the following link and click into the Security page. Once you are on the page click on the link to Manage third-party access.

2. Once you are on this page click on SchoolWise in the list of apps. This will bring up the list of permissions along with a Remove Access button. Click on this to revoke the access.

3. You can now login to SchoolWise again where you will be presented with the consent window (As if logging in for the first time). Click on the Allow button as before and access to your G Suite apps should now be restored in SchoolWise. You can review the login instructions here.

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