Have you ever had some users who report an issue where they cannot log in or are not seeing any of their groups or departments? Then it is more than likely because their email address does not match what is in the platform. Here is how to check and resolve the issue.
Login to SchoolWise and go to User Manager. Depending on the version of your platform you will find it in either one of these locations.
Platform Users
Hub Users
You can then search for the user you want to edit by typing part of their name or email address into the Search term box (try using part of their name rather than their full name to avoid typos or accents). When you find the user you want just click on the pencil icon to edit their details.
Note: If there are two users listed, one that has the groups but with the incorrect email and token, along with the other (duplicate) user that has the correct email but no groups - delete the duplicate user with no groups before you continue. The platform does not allow multiple users to have the same email or token.
Update the user's Email address which is used for communications. You also need to update their Token which is what is used for logging the user into SchoolWise. This is usually their email address too so click on the Edit link next to the token to update it.
4. Enter the correct email address into the Token field and click on the Update button. Then click the Save button to update the user's details.
Just get the user to log back into SchoolWise and they should now see their groups and departments.
Tip: You can override a user's email address at any time by updating the information in your school's SIS/MIS. This will automatically update the email address in SchoolWise and ensure your users can always log in.