This article will take you through the steps to create a lesson. Each lesson is based on a unit of learning. You must first create a unit of learning before you can build you lessons.
There is also a video at the end of this article on how to create a lesson.
Click on the Subject Planner tile in your department page
2.Click on the Lesson tile from the Curriculum Planner home screen
3. If there are existing Lessons you will see them displayed here, just go ahead and click on the New Lesson button. If there are no existing lesson's you will be shown the new lesson screen automatically.
4. This will display the New Lesson screen where you have three options to choose from;
Lesson Wizard
This is the quickest way to jump-start the lesson building process. It will enable you to select learning experiences from your units and turn them into individual lessons.
Lesson Builder
βThe lesson builder allows you to create a lesson step-by-step and to customise each component.
Shared Lessons
You can link to an existing lesson that someone else has created for a unit or make a copy of their lesson. This is great for sharing best practice or to unify strategies across a department.
Using the Lesson Builder
1. You will now be presented with a series of tabs called Learning Outcomes, Details, Intentions, Criteria, Skills and Reflections. You should now be on the Learning Outcomes tab.
β2. Click on the Add an outcome button to display the Learning Outcomes panel. Choose your Unit of Learning from the drop-down menu to display a list of outcomes for that unit. Click on the outcome you want to use in your lesson and click the Select button.
3. Now click on the Add an experience button to display the Learning Experiences panel. You will see a list of Learning Experiences for the outcome that you chose in the previous step. These experiences come from the Unit of Learning that you also selected in the previous step.
If you want to use an experience from the unit just click on the experience and then click the Select button. If you would prefer to use your own experience that is not listed in the unit, simply click the Add new experience button.
Note: If you click the Add new experience button you can also use an existing experience that you entered. If you toggle the All button you will see a list of Learning Experiences entered for your chosen outcome that other people have entered. You can learn more about learning experiences and how to use them by reading this article.
4. On the Details tab you can enter in the Lesson Name. You can also associate some Topics with your lesson. Topics are like categories and are used to associate or group your lessons with a common link. Topics are also used for assessment and tracking in the Gradebook. You can also associate a Sub Topic for example a topic could be Equations and a sub topic could be Inequalities or equations. Click on the Select button to add one or more topic/sub topic.
You can also add any Learning Resources that you want to you in your Lesson. If you click on the Add a resource button will display any resources that were added to the unit. You can select some or all of these to use in your lesson. You can also use any additional resources by clicking the Add additional resources button.
Note: You can just use topics and click the add button and not enter anything for the sub topic if you like. It is encouraged that you enter sub topics too as this will make analysis of student learning easier to interpret and more granular.
5. The next tab is Intentions and is where you can create your Learning Intentions for your lesson. Simply Click on Add an Intention and a panel will appear where you can enter your Learning Intention and click the Add button to add it. You can add as many as you like.
You can also choose existing Learning Intentions from other lessons that were created for this unit of learning. This is a great way to define an intention that will link a series of lessons together.
6. The next tab is Criteria and is where you can create the Success Criteria that you and your learners will use to determine what success looks like for the lesson. Simply Click on Add Success Criteria and a panel will appear where you can enter your Criteria Details and click the Add button to add it. You can add as many pieces of criteria as you like and also choose existing criteria from any other lessons.
7. The Skills tab will allow you to add links to any Key Skills or Statements of Learning that you want to associate with the lesson. You can click on the Add a key skill button which will then open a panel where you can add these from the unit. If you wish to add any additional skills not included in the unit, you can add these too.
8. The Reflection tab is used during or at the end of the delivery of a lesson. It is used to capture what worked well and what would you do better next time using the Worked well and Improvements fields. This is useful for S.S.E and inspections to demonstrate how the lesson evolved and will also help foster best-practice within your department. Simply Type in the comment box and Click on the blue + button. Then, Click Save lesson.Β