Gradebook Learner Performance Screen

Great for parent teacher meetings, care team meetings and more. Learn how to analyse the performance of a learner

Leslie from SchoolWise avatar
Written by Leslie from SchoolWise
Updated over a week ago

Helping you to understand your learner's performance and how best to support them is one of the main goals of Gradebook. The job of the Learner Performance screen is to pull all of their assessment data together along with information on the learner and display it in one place inside Gradebook. This gives you a holistic view of the learner.

Another job of the Learner Performance screen is to analyse the data and show how they perform in your subject. You can customise the screen to generate a report and share it with parents of members of your management or care teams in your school.

Let's look at how to use the Learner Performance screen in Gradebook.

How to access the Learner Performance Screen

Click the View and Edit button in the Gradebook and then click the Learner Performance option from the menu. This is located under the Learner section.

This displays the Learner Performance screen. You see a summary of their Learner Profile across the top, a summary of their performance is shown underneath and then a Subject Performance chart. A list of all their assessments is also displayed which you can customize using the Options button.

How to use the Learner Performance Screen

Selecting a Learner

To begin using the screen you first need to select a learner from the class. If you have previously selected a learner you will see their name and photo displayed. You can change the learner by clicking on them to display the Select a Learner screen.

Simply click on a learner to highlight them and then click the Select button to display their Learner Performance.

Learner Summary

The first item displayed on the screen is the learner summary. To the left is their current subject level, their learning preference taken from their CAT4 (verbal, non-verbal, quantitative or spatial) and their differentiation band. The differentiation band is initially set by the CAT4 scores. You can modify the band for your subject by using the Settings button on the Gradebook Dashboard.

Over on the right is information taken from the Learner Profile. Displayed is their support category (all, some or few) on the continuum. A number to indicate if they have any LSEN (learning social or emotional needs) which you can click to view the list. If the learner has an ILP (individual learner plan) you will see a checkmark which you can also click to see the details. The Note icon indicates if there is a Note for Teachers. Clicking this will display the note. Finally, if the learner has any Priority Tags, these are shown here.

Performance Summary

Next is the Performance Summary for the learner. Here you will see their Subject Average Grade and how it compares to the rest of the class. Their Subject Performance will show Improving, Steady or Declining. How many assessments they Turned In and if available, their attendance.

Note: The value for the attendance will depend on the integration with your school MIS/SIS system. Some MIS/SIS systems make the overall/session attendance available while others make your class/lesson attendance available.

Subject Performance Chart

The Subject Performance chart displays the learners' performance over the Timeframe you have selected at the top of the screen.

Plotted on the chart is the grade for the learner for each assessment. Also plotted on the chart is their average, the class average for each assessment along with any target grades.

You can use the Chart filter drop-down menu to filter any one of the metrics. The chart will only display a line for the selected metric.

You can also click directly on a metric in the chart legend to show or hide the line on the chart. This makes the charts very flexible when choosing what to display.

Assessment Summary List

Located at the bottom of the screen is the Assessment Summary which displays a list of all the assessments for the selected learner in the Timeframe. You can customise how the list is displayed by using the Options button. This allows you to show/hide columns and also determine what assessments appear in the list and how the grade is displayed.

Filtering data and assessments

The list of assessments displayed on the screen is determined by the Timeframe filters and the Assessment filters.

Timeframe filters

The Timeframe filters allow you to view assessments for a given time period. The default timeframe is This Year. The Timeframe filters are always located under the navigation buttons on the right-hand side of the screen

Options button

The Options button enables you to filter by the type of assessment or where you provided a grade or feedback. You can also show/hide columns along with additional options.

Printing and Exporting

You can print or export all of the View and Edit screens in the Gradebook. Click on the Print button to view the options. The Print to PDF generates a report based on the options you selected on the screen (timeframe, filter and options) and downloads the file to your device.

The Export to a file option generates a CSV file (spreadsheet) which you can open with Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

The View all learners option displays the Learner Performance screen for all learners in the class. This is useful if you need to generate a performance report for the class and either Print to PDF or Export to a file.

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