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How to use the Academic Tracking reports
How to use the Academic Tracking reports

Filters, options and actions that help you get the best of the Academic Tracking reports in SchoolWise

Leslie from SchoolWise avatar
Written by Leslie from SchoolWise
Updated over a week ago

What good are reports with fancy charts, grids and colourful graphs if you cannot get the information you need, with the right context (so that you don't need to switch between different systems or collate data in a spreadsheet), and where you can take the necessary next steps? In SchoolWise, we have provided carefully considered features that help you get the information you need as easy as possible so that the reports add real value to you and your school.

Our holistic approach to academic tracking is to help you get to the heart of your data while also understanding the person behind "the learner". In order to do this, we believe it is important to provide as much context around each learner when you are viewing a report. Another important component of each report is the ability to delve into the data in the report so you can extract what you need (failing learners, declining, below a certain threshold, etc.). Finally, take action on the output of each report so that you can intervene to positively support each learner in their journey.

Let's take a look at how we can help you get the information you need, the context for each learner and how to take action.

Sections in this article

Main report filters

At the top of each report in the Academic Tracking section of Learner Support are filters which are displayed as drop-downs. Some of these filters may be required to initially run a report and some are optional.

The reports require at least a year group and a cycle. The year group is the current year group of the learners. So for example, if I want to report on the Sixth year learners I would select Sixth Years from the Year Group drop-down. If I wanted to see the Sixth year data from when they were in Junior Cycle, I would select Sixth Year from the Year Group drop-down and then Junior Cycle from the Cycle drop-down.

Optional filters include Class. If you just want to see the data for a specific class you can select it here.

Note: if you leave a filter blank, this is the same as selecting all. In the example above, leaving the class filter blank shows the data for all classes in the year group.

Chart filters

When you are viewing a report with a chart and depending on the data used in the chart, you can filter the data in two ways.

Filtering a data set using the chart drop-down

You can use the drop-down at the top of the chart to only display the data from a selected data set. Simply select the data set from the drop-down to redraw the chart.

Selecting data sets using the chart legend

You can click on each data set displayed on the legend at the bottom of each chart. This allows you to display only those data sets you need on the chart.

Report Options

The Options panel for each report is a powerful feature. It enables you to filter and display the report based on the options you select from the panel. This makes it easy for you to get the information you require out of the report. You can also display additional data in the grid (such as CAT4 scores), display options such as background colours that align to other data points (target grades, academic ratios, etc) and it also allows you to filter the data to quickly pinpoint concerns or issues.

The Options panel is located on the top right of each grid.

Depending on the report you are viewing, the options displayed to you in the Options panel will differ. Display CAT4 Standard Age Scores for example will include the CAT4 data on the report for each learner. Display deltas from previous will include on the report the difference in the value from the previous assessment. On a Analysis by Subject report, you might want to Display declining learners only.

Grid filters

To further filter the data displayed on the grid, you can filter by a learner or even a tag. So if you need to filter the results in a grid to locate the data for a specific learner simply type the first few letters of either their first or last name into the Learner field.

If you want to filter the grid for learners who have a specific Tag then simply select the tag from the drop-down. (more about tags later in this article)

The context for each learner

When you are filtering a report using the options panel, learner or tag feature on the report, even if you are simply scanning through the list of learners on a report, context is important to understand who is the person behind "the learner".

Profile and support columns

To help with this we have brought some elements of the Learner Profile to each report. Next to each learner is a Profile column. This will display any Notes for Teachers, Learning Social and Emotional Needs, and if the learner has an Individual Learner Plan (ILP). You can simply click on the indicators to display the information. Next to the Profile column is the Support column. This will display where the learner is on the continuum of support (all, some or a few)

Displaying CAT4 scores

When you are viewing a report and would like to see the CAT4 scores for each learner included, you can click on the Options panel and toggle the Display CAT4 Standard Age Scores to enabled. This will include the data on the report.

Details of each assessment

On some reports where you are viewing specific data such as a subject, academic ratio or points, sometimes you want to be able to see the details of an individual or all summative assessments to discern where the data came from or how the individual learner performed in other subject areas. You can now put this context around each learner on a report by clicking the Actions menu and selecting Details. This way you can see the data without having to navigate away to another screen or system.

This will display a modal with the results of each summative assessment along with other key indicators. You can also adjust this modal by clicking the Options panel on the top right of the grid.

Deltas from previous

If you would like to see the difference between each assessment for a learner, you can click on the Options panel and toggle the Display deltas from previous to enabled. This will include the data on the report in each cell.

Taking action!

Once you have identified learners who require intervention or support, you can tag them by creating your own tags. These are the same tags used on Learner Profiles so you can create and filter learners using these tags right across Learner Support.

How to tag a learner

The Tag option is located in the Actions menu. Simply click the actions menu and select Tag next to the learner.

This will display the Tag modal. You can select from the existing list of tags already created for your school or enter the name of a new tag.

Note: you can also see the list of tags already applied to this learner. You can remove existing tags along with assigning new ones from this list.

Using tags to filter the list of learners on a report

When you are viewing a report, you can use the Tag drop-down on the grid filters to only show learners with a specific tag. This is a great way to run a report and filter the list of learners by a tag so you can then see their data to determine if the tag should remain, be removed or be assigned another tag.

This feature enables you to keep an eye on learners as they progress their journey through your school.

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